Saturday, November 21, 2009

Whoa,badminton camp was fun? Actually not that fun,but its still okay luh. (:
Day 1,
Reached school at 9,placed our stuff at C209,arranged the tables,meet at the foyer,off for lunch.Was suppose to have dragon boating but in the end,it was bowling instead. Bowling at west coast recreation,as it was raining heavily,we had to wait in the bus. Ms thio went there first with a big umbrella. The uncle then gave me,Amethyst,Venetia and Huiwen,a few raincoats. Wore it,was walking at first then this YONG HUIWEN ran,Amethyst started running too. Water was splashing like mad,Ven ran into the carpark,all three of us followed,didn't know there was a big puddle of water. Stepped into the water,water level was covered to our ankle,and dang it all of us wore badminton shoe,water went into our shoe,soak in there like mad,yuck. Went to the toilet to dry our shoe. Met Ms thio,asked us to go in first. All of us started buying lollipops. After bowling,was TRAINING,but it was quite okay (: Went to bath after training,then dinner was pizza,went to ntuc to buy food and drinks. Came back,watch movie till 11? Played hide and catch for awhile,then don't want to play already,not that fun. Walked around with meishu and vanessa. Went to C210,chat with abigail,emily,samantha and emileen. Talked about the "baby in the oven" that is in the 3rd level of the home econ room,woah that freak us out especially emileen. Ordered macs,the room left only huiwen,amethyst,vanessa and me. Then talia,ven,irisa and sheryl went to watch movie with the guys. Went nightwalk,some people kept shouting. Slept around 4.45 woke up at 6.45.
Day 2,
Breakfast at dover,played some games till 11.30 then lunch at holland bk. Back to school,arranged the tables,off for training.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh God,so stress up with lit and his. Argh. Went fusion with Isabelle and Peishi today. Study till 5 then chiong for my tuition at 6 till about 8 plus. Damn tired ): Maths,Science,History,Maths,Science,History! Ooh,monday is freaking funny. Played Rugby, everyone was so violent. Most funniest part was weili and I landed our ass on the ground. Maybe the field was slippery? After she fall on the ground then I fall down too,like as if there was a string that tied us together,when she fall then i'll fall. -.- Bamaju(jumana) was the funniest she ran with the ball to the other side of the field when that is our goalpost. Hahaha,damn funny.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tired,tired and tired. Everyday is always tired. Went for lit remedial yesterday,spent about 3hours there copying TCM's exerpts. Today's history test is screwed. Revise till 1 yesterday,only chapt 6,didn't manage to revise chapt 7 and 8. D&t car project is like a dung,can't even move for more than 1m. ): Gonna redo everything,but this time instead of using wood,i'll use bottle. 3 days to finish up the car project,gonna rush. Stay back for science remedial with hubert and peishi,while yi xiang went for Ms Chong's class. Going for Ms Chong's class=Study by yourself. She will just keep asking us to check the textbooks-.- So instead of going for Ms Chong's class,we went for Mr Tan's class. Badminton at Bukit Batok tomorrow. I'm totally drained. ):

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Went to school early in the morning to meet up with Mr Tan till about 10.Went to study with peishi,for a while only as we were waiting for the shop to open. Cold rock really rocks. Haha (:
Left a day more to finish up the rest of my homework): I'm so freaking dead. Haven't even start with anything yet.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Inda saw a big fat piece of meat in the toilet,then peishi and xinyi went to check what was that,after that I saw both of their face turn yellow and green especially peishi's face then xinyi kept laughing.Return to class then tricked jaye to the toilet and see the fat piece of meat,Xinyi and I was like saying that someone vandalise her name in the toilet then told her to check out the last toilet,when she step in to the last toilet,Xinyi and I was like bursting with laughter.Luckily I never go into that toilet,the worst thing was that jaye kept on describing about the fat piece of meat during science lesson,and she even draw the fat piece of meat on the table.Sick.Whole science lesson can't concentrate.

Bored bored bored,dnt practical sucks especially the car project,haven't started with anything yet.Just wander around during the 75mins of dnt.Mr Tan was our relief teacher for maths cause Mr Lee hasn't been coming to school for the past 2 days,he can't control the class,so we all just slack during maths.Last three periods was science,science test surely fail one. Xinyi is a loser man,Ms chong was behind her and she shouted CHONG POH FA so loudly,damn funny.Damn sad,friday will be the last training ): Ms thio say whoever do badly for their end of year will be out of the school team. ): Sigh.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Woah,yesterday's training was tough,but it was great and fun. Pair up with jaye then played doubles with amanda and clara,the score was 21-7,it was a great game. Damn sian,having ccitp,waste time man. Later having spp appointment with Ms Wee together with peishi straight after school from 2.15 till 3.45 then staying back for maths revision for tomorrow's test. Busy all day long.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The guys in our class are so gay man,nothing better to do,after free period,went back to classroom,then found out that jaye's racket was in my bag,then my pencil case was in her bag,then jaye's pencil case was in elis bag. What the hell,too boliao already,think its funny huh?-.-" During science lesson,everyone in Mr Tan's class went to disturb syafiqah,the people that disturb her most were pra,ryan,faisal,nicholas,jaye and me. Its damn funny,coz when she was talking about her boyfriend or stuff,i randomly started to keep saying about pigu. Then syafiqah ask what's pigu,then we say its boyfriend. At first we started saying that pigu is friend then da pigu is boyfriend then hen da pigu is very handsome boyfriend.Everyone started laughing like mad. Then we kept asking her whether she got pigu or not,then she don't want to answer us. Even Mr Tan laughed when we told syafiqah that pigu is friend.Yesterday's training was damn funny,everyone started to get horny,even the sec 1 girls.

After school,went to queensway with meishu and jaye to have lunch,then went to clementi sports hall,today's training was damn pathetic,there is only meishu,huiwen,me and jaye that went for it.Anyway today's training was fun but yesterday one is even better.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today was very funny,during PE went to the treadmill room actually wanted to run,but then a malay pe teacher came in and say this place is only for fat people??!!-.-"

Me: Teacher,i very fat so i need to run
Peishi : Me too,me too.
Teacher : Don't fake,go play your games
Me : Teacher let us run lah,we very fat,you know?
Teacher : Don't lie,this place is only for fat people,you guys are not fat so
go for your games.

Peishi and I walked away and gave a -.-" sign to the teacher.Chinese ting xie was quite easy.Class Contact was the worst today,Mr Tan is damn gay,he just kept shouting like some mad man in the class.Rush for science practical test after school,did the test with quincy and yi xiang,after the test then went back to class for history remedial.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Went for training,before that got scolded from Ms Thio-.- Just because I was sick for that one week and didn't go for the sports contingent parade,and she started scolding scolding and scolding. After scolding me then she scold talia,what the hell?Walau always anyhow scold people one,how do i know i'm suppose to go for the rehearsal after the founder's day celebration,you also never told me right?crap

Played shuttle war with huiwen and talia,talia is damn cheapskate,she knew that i'm sitting behind venetia then she went to venetia and threw the shuttle at her so that it can make venetia thinks that i'm the one who did that-.- Talia,you better watch out,I'm gonna take my revenge soon(:

Friday, July 31, 2009

Get Well Soon,Eileen! (:

Drink lots of lots of water and take care okay?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Did history project today with weili,jaye and her.The project is damn funny and it took us about 2 hours to wrap up everything,we keep retaking the whole thing which is damn funny,finish everything about 1.Then jaye called the twins(Yvonne and Eileen)and ask them to come to bukit batok and they came.Went to Jaye's room and play,then somehow we changed into 4 kids as we were like fighting with each other,the most funny part is when me,Jaye and Eileen were fighting then Yvonne somehow became the peacemaker and asked us to stop?hahahah!Then I help Yvonne, Jaye help Eileen,Yvonne help me,Eileen help Jaye,then we start to fight on the bed.Jaye tackle me and Eileen tackle Yvonne then we somehow switch partners then become i tackle Eileen then Yvonne tackle Jaye.Then somehow we become "hugging" with each other?Yvonne and Eileen is very fierce lor,wah first time see leh o.o ,so incredible.Jaye and Eileen kept talking about me and Yvonne-.- then talk about switching off the light.Eileen is pro one lor,she can bite people one,she bite my hand 3 times and yvonne's hand 2 times,pro pro.

Okay,I'm being random as I've got nothing to do,then i thought of posting some old pictures,I know its lame.Sian,anyway going to jaye's house tomorrow for history project?So I've to wake up about 8 cause we are meeting at 9 as weili cannot make it in the afternoon.Whatever it is,I'm still stuck with the bao zhang bao dao,which is lame shit,I've been stuck with it for almost 2 weeks,what the hell.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

On Friday

Every Friday sucks like damn shit because there would be 3 periods of D&T which is damn boring one followed by 3 periods of History then 25mins of free period/recess then 3 period of Maths and 3 periods of Science Prac,which can die one lor.Somemore D&T early in the morning,last time in the afternoon already like want to die already,this time in the morning which is worst-.-
After school,everyone chiong to the hall to take height and weight,why i can't be taller,only 1.62,I want to be 1.7 leh.Handed up book review to Ms Yong,omg Ms Yong is very lame,I asked Ms Yong, Can me and jaye put the book review in your pigeon hole then she was like cannn.........not -.- then asked us to meet her at the end of the staff room.Played badminton with Mr Mark Lee,which is damn funny.Went to yio chu kang to find the twins,hahaha,damn funny lor,stupid eileen always like to pinch my cheeks,whats your problem?

D&T - Mr Choy talk talk talk until want to zzzz already,but luckily never zzzz later he'll start shouting at you or maybe scold you,who knows?

History - Ms Wee can't seems to control the class,the whole class is damn chaotic,everyone is like running around the classroom,then Ms Wee kept shouting at us.

Maths - It seems to be fun nowadays because Mr Mark Lee seems to change a lot after the holidays,and he talk to us very polite too and even knows how to crack lame jokes,not like last time just ask him a question he'll start shouting at us like some mad shit.

Science Prac - Don't even talk about it,Ms Chong show us some lame stuff,and she laugh to herself, when what she say is not even funny at all -.-

Friday, July 3, 2009

My heart can't take it anymore,I seriously can't stand you,you are damn irritating.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today got mass run,it was damn cool,haha 2 rounds,it rocks,everyone was perspiring like mad.Walao today science is KNS,stupid Ms Chong keep calling me jaye,WTH,then call she call jaye shuwen,which is damn freaking lame.English is worst, stupid Ms Yongedy ask me to change seat but she yesterday say she'll give me one more chance then she forgot -.-" Chinese was fun?History is madness,everyone dun give a damn at the Ms Wee even though,how loud she shouted at us,worst thing is that she appointed me and jaye to be her history rep -.-", then we both was like damn shock. Lifeskill was the last period,did some lame stuff,but Mr Lee was great today,as he let our row off at 2.15 sharp.Badminton meeting with the sec 1 girls,then went to clementi for lunch and go back to school for "training",which is damn pathetic only 4 people plus amethyst,irisa and sheryl but they went to the stage to play the piano instead of playing,Ms Thio came, she came to scold me and jaye because we allow sheryl to play badminton in her uniform which she is not allowed to.Then she said you guys are already seniors still dunno how to stop your juniors from doing the wrong thing.Walao how we know man,scold scold scold.

Hey dude,whats your bloody problem man?I didnt disturb you,then you come disturb me for what?Nothing to do is it say?So boliao,everyday only know how to talk about other people's affair,so kpo for what,think of yourself first before you say anything.Every morning come to school give black face and show attitude,we also never say anything already,somemore talk bad about people,come on man,dun be so childish,you bloody lame shit asshole.Come on you la,are already sec 2 dun act like a pri 2 kid,you know how lame is it?Worst thing is why so concern about other people friend,are they your friend,why must you know so much huh?Somemore talk bad about them,look at yourself,you are no better okay,and you are worst.Our friendship is over man ever since the day you talk bad about us and our friends,for goodness sake man,you treat a guy better than us,you know?You like him then say la,somemore always say my friend like this,my friend like that,can't you just say his bloody name.Hey you know what,we are 4 years of friends leh,you rather trust that guy and most of all say our bad things to him.WTF man,you think you very big is it,always try to act big when you are small.CHILDISH KID -.- Hey kid,grow up please,lame shit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

WTH man today really suck like shit,worst thing is during english,Ms Yong is forever picking on me one,everytime jaye or weili talk also never catch,walao purposely one lo,yesterday ask me to stand up,today ask me to change place. That time also south zone,one whole week pick on me,the moment she come into the class then she will start scolding me -.-" Bloody hell la stupid ms yong never scold jaye,only pick on me,whats your bloody fat problem.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yesterday,went to find yvonne,she is damn funny lor,talk to her outside her house for very long,then showed her some "magic tricks" ,which is very lame. Then wanted to prank eileen,say her handphone with me,then she dun believe,i took it and put it in my pocket.After that their tuition teacher came,i left their house then was going to bukit batok to meet jaye,when i reached the mrt station,i felt that my pocket is freaking heavy,then when i took out the stuff and i saw eileensng's phone that i was like wtf,i took her phone and forgotten to return it to her,i rushed back to her house and passed it back to her.Went to Bukit Batok and meet jaye,yvonne message me and said i bought chocolate puzzles instead of chocolate.Then went back to yio chu kang with jaye this time,then we go prank yvonne and eileen(its damn funny),played hide and seek,then the two of them hide in their house,called their house and their maid say"yvonne and eileen pangsai". -.- Then yvonne sng open the door,me and jaye was shock to see her,as her face was pale and she is perspiring like mad.JE and I went down to chat until both of then came down,then yvonne was like damn emo,she didnt talk but just playing with the cards.After a while,ashlina came, then she kept disturbing me.Then ashlina,eileen and yvonne keep messing with my hair,especially ashlina. Then ashlina keep begging us to follow her to woodlands,then we dun want.(omg is damn funny la)When we left,yvonne and eileen kept waving at us which is damn funny. (: Left about 7,then have dinner with jaye at clementi.